Of course Princess by the age of four has a good idea about winning and losing, enough that she brags to everyone about being the "Winner'.
But what was a shock was when the other day my Sweetness at 23 months was in a race with her big sister walking along the rocks in the back yard. Well Sweetness realised that she wasn't winning the race on the rocks so she jumped onto the grass and proceeded to run past her big sister to the winning platform. She was hardly past her big sister when I heard the words coming from her mouth- "I win, I win, I win".
Princess was not impressed, but I must admit I kind of was. Of course it was cheating and bad sportsmanship but I couldn't help but be impressed by her creativeness and of course her desire to 'win'. Gorgeous Husband laughed and believes it only the beginning.
This is Sweetness on said rocks one year ago. How time flies