1. Animals- simply that a cow

2. Foods, Clothing, everyday items.

3.Colours- Lots of questions and statements. E.g Look at the beautiful blue sky. Next day Look at the beautiful sky, what colour is the sky?
4. Shapes- Squares, triangles, circles, diamonds, rectangles, hearts, stars, oval(egg), crescents (moon) I would sit down with her and draw them a lot.
5. Counting. We didn't really deal with what numerals looked like at this stage but I would imagine some children could pick it up now.
6. Singing- Mostly nursery rhymes this lead to abc song. We started off with shorter songs. Twinkle Twinkle was first, then ba ba. I would just keep singing them and singing them to her and then one day she would just start singing them along with me and then she would tell me to stop as she wanted to sing them for herself. I mostly found that singing was a great way to improve memory and speech.
7. This is where we are at now and it is drawing. We are trying to draw different shapes such a squares and circles and triangles. We use them to draw faces e.g

8. Next using the knowledge of drawing lines and circles we will start trying to recognise and then draw letters and then numerals.
This has been my current plan but I am sure I have left out a lot. Any other ideas as to what you have used would be greatly appreciated.
This is only an academic side of things which I suppose is more what I understand. I do know one sticks to their strengths but it means we often miss things like the physical, the mechanical, the imagination and lots of other things. It is certainly hard to get out of our own comfort zones to encourage our kids in all areas of life. Who knows maybe we will find out that things we didn't like as children might be more fun as an adult. Watch out Monkey Bars.

1 comment:
love your new blog! I will be reading with interest!
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