This is a very interesting series. I remember catching it when the life at 1 was first done. It follows 11 kiddies and their families discussing different issues. I remember watching the stress issue for the 1 year old. Last night they spoke about childhood obesity and its factors.
They were:
1. Genetics- obviously if mum and/or dad are over weight then there is a great chance that a child could be challenged with this trait.
2. The socio-economic area which the child lives. This was for different factors, availability to healthy food, safe environment to play outside, what peers would be eating and doing.
3. The influence of the father. It mentions that even though mum might be an excellent example of getting plenty of exercise it is dad that is a major influence.
The one next week is about behaviour, which I look forward to. It sounds terrible but sometimes I need to know that my three year old behaviour is acceptable, no, maybe I should aim higher and hope that her behaviour is considered well behaved (fingers crossed). It is funny that in most social circles we always try to 'out do' others stories. If your child is good for doing abc then my child one ups it by doing xyz. But it happens the same with bad behaviour, I think in this case we look for the sympathy vote, who has the most embarrassing, naughty tantrum throwing toddler. Of course I (like most parents) feel like my child could win both.
Anyway enjoy the show or at least the website.
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